This project was developed by Lean Mean Learning Machines For INFO 511 - Fundamentals of Data Science at the University of Arizona, taught by Dr. Greg Chism. The team is comprised of the following team members.
Team member 1: Tejas Bhawari - First Year Masters of Science in Data Science Student, RPA Developer.
Team member 2: Michelle Le - First Year Masters of Science in Data Science student. Software Engineer for American Airlines.
Team member 3: Weiliang Deng - Second year phd student in systems and indistrial enginnering.
Team member 4: Vidhyananth Sivashanmugam - Second year - Master of Science Data science.
Link to our presentation: https://arizona.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=a95c0b9a-fe29-4946-be09-b249000a2fca