INFO511 Fall 2024 Project Proposal
Exploring evoling electric vehicle charging efficiency
Introduction to the Data
url = ""
ev_charging = pd.read_csv(url)
url = ""
Spotify_db = pd.read_csv(url)
url = ""
mobile_data = pd.read_csv(url)
Dataset - Electric Vehicle Charging
Source of Data:
Description of Observations: This dataset provides a comprehensive analysis of electric vehicle (EV) charging patterns and user behavior. It contains 1,320 samples of charging session data, including metrics such as energy consumption, charging duration, and vehicle details. Each entry captures various aspects of EV usage, allowing for insightful analysis and predictive modeling.
Ethical Concerns: The dataset has user IDs and specific charging station locations, which means there’s a chance it could reveal patterns in people’s movements and behaviors. To protect privacy, it’s important to keep user IDs anonymous and possibly generalize location data so individuals can’t be tracked. Researchers also need to handle this information carefully and follow data protection rules to use it responsibly.
- How do vehicle model, user type, and starting state of charge influence the cost and duration of EV charging sessions at public stations?
- Exploring energy consumption and charging behaviors
- Building predictive models for charging efficiency
Importance:Understanding the costs and durations associated with different EV types and user profiles can help:
- Consumers make cost-effective charging decisions.
- Charging service providers optimize station usage and pricing strategies by identifying patterns in energy demand and time usage.
- Vehicle Model: Larger battery capacity models will have longer charging times and higher costs.
- User Type: Frequent users (like commuters) may incur lower costs per session due to shorter, more regular charging patterns.
- Starting State of Charge: Lower starting charge levels are expected to lead to longer and more costly charging sessions.
Variable Types: Categorical Variables: Vehicle Model, User Type Quantitative Variables: Charging Cost (USD), Charging Duration (hours), State of Charge (Start %)
Glimpse of the Data: Dataset 1 - EV Charging
Table 1: EV Charging Dataset, Summary of Column Headings:
User ID | Vehicle Model | Battery Capacity (kWh) | Charging Station ID | Charging Station Location | Charging Start Time | Charging End Time | Energy Consumed (kWh) | Charging Duration (hours) | Charging Rate (kW) | Charging Cost (USD) | Time of Day | Day of Week | State of Charge (Start %) | State of Charge (End %) | Distance Driven (since last charge) (km) | Temperature (°C) | Vehicle Age (years) | Charger Type | User Type | |
0 | User_1 | BMW i3 | 108.463007 | Station_391 | Houston | 1/1/2024 0:00 | 1/1/2024 0:39 | 60.712346 | 0.591363 | 36.389181 | 13.087717 | Evening | Tuesday | 29.371576 | 86.119962 | 293.602111 | 27.947953 | 2.0 | DC Fast Charger | Commuter |
1 | User_2 | Hyundai Kona | 100.000000 | Station_428 | San Francisco | 1/1/2024 1:00 | 1/1/2024 3:01 | 12.339275 | 3.133652 | 30.677735 | 21.128448 | Morning | Monday | 10.115778 | 84.664344 | 112.112804 | 14.311026 | 3.0 | Level 1 | Casual Driver |
2 | User_3 | Chevy Bolt | 75.000000 | Station_181 | San Francisco | 1/1/2024 2:00 | 1/1/2024 4:48 | 19.128876 | 2.452653 | 27.513593 | 35.667270 | Morning | Thursday | 6.854604 | 69.917615 | 71.799253 | 21.002002 | 2.0 | Level 2 | Commuter |
3 | User_4 | Hyundai Kona | 50.000000 | Station_327 | Houston | 1/1/2024 3:00 | 1/1/2024 6:42 | 79.457824 | 1.266431 | 32.882870 | 13.036239 | Evening | Saturday | 83.120003 | 99.624328 | 199.577785 | 38.316313 | 1.0 | Level 1 | Long-Distance Traveler |
4 | User_5 | Hyundai Kona | 50.000000 | Station_108 | Los Angeles | 1/1/2024 4:00 | 1/1/2024 5:46 | 19.629104 | 2.019765 | 10.215712 | 10.161471 | Morning | Saturday | 54.258950 | 63.743786 | 203.661847 | -7.834199 | 1.0 | Level 1 | Long-Distance Traveler |
Table 2: EV Charging Dataset, Variables and their Type (Dtype)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1320 entries, 0 to 1319
Data columns (total 20 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 User ID 1320 non-null object
1 Vehicle Model 1320 non-null object
2 Battery Capacity (kWh) 1320 non-null float64
3 Charging Station ID 1320 non-null object
4 Charging Station Location 1320 non-null object
5 Charging Start Time 1320 non-null object
6 Charging End Time 1320 non-null object
7 Energy Consumed (kWh) 1254 non-null float64
8 Charging Duration (hours) 1320 non-null float64
9 Charging Rate (kW) 1254 non-null float64
10 Charging Cost (USD) 1320 non-null float64
11 Time of Day 1320 non-null object
12 Day of Week 1320 non-null object
13 State of Charge (Start %) 1320 non-null float64
14 State of Charge (End %) 1320 non-null float64
15 Distance Driven (since last charge) (km) 1254 non-null float64
16 Temperature (°C) 1320 non-null float64
17 Vehicle Age (years) 1320 non-null float64
18 Charger Type 1320 non-null object
19 User Type 1320 non-null object
dtypes: float64(10), object(10)
memory usage: 206.4+ KB
Analysis Plan EV Charting Dataset
The EV charging dataset comprises 20 columns, 10 object variables and 10 float64 variables. The analysis plan will be completed in three steps to answer the questions and hypothesis stated above.
Step 1: A data wrangling effort to clean up the DataFrame and a graphical analysis of the dataset.
Step 2: A statistical analysis of the dataset using (i) analysis of variance and (ii) mullivariable regression to understand patterns within the data.
Step 3: Build a predictive model from the data to understand and predict user trends with respect to electric vehicle charging.