User ID | Vehicle Model | Battery Capacity (kWh) | Charging Station ID | Charging Station Location | Charging Start Time | Charging End Time | Energy Consumed (kWh) | Charging Duration (hours) | Charging Rate (kW) | Charging Cost (USD) | Time of Day | Day of Week | State of Charge (Start %) | State of Charge (End %) | Distance Driven (since last charge) (km) | Temperature (°C) | Vehicle Age (years) | Charger Type | User Type | |
0 | User_1 | BMW i3 | 108.463007 | Station_391 | Houston | 1/1/2024 0:00 | 1/1/2024 0:39 | 60.712346 | 0.591363 | 36.389181 | 13.087717 | Evening | Tuesday | 29.371576 | 86.119962 | 293.602111 | 27.947953 | 2.0 | DC Fast Charger | Commuter |
1 | User_2 | Hyundai Kona | 100.000000 | Station_428 | San Francisco | 1/1/2024 1:00 | 1/1/2024 3:01 | 12.339275 | 3.133652 | 30.677735 | 21.128448 | Morning | Monday | 10.115778 | 84.664344 | 112.112804 | 14.311026 | 3.0 | Level 1 | Casual Driver |
2 | User_3 | Chevy Bolt | 75.000000 | Station_181 | San Francisco | 1/1/2024 2:00 | 1/1/2024 4:48 | 19.128876 | 2.452653 | 27.513593 | 35.667270 | Morning | Thursday | 6.854604 | 69.917615 | 71.799253 | 21.002002 | 2.0 | Level 2 | Commuter |
3 | User_4 | Hyundai Kona | 50.000000 | Station_327 | Houston | 1/1/2024 3:00 | 1/1/2024 6:42 | 79.457824 | 1.266431 | 32.882870 | 13.036239 | Evening | Saturday | 83.120003 | 99.624328 | 199.577785 | 38.316313 | 1.0 | Level 1 | Long-Distance Traveler |
4 | User_5 | Hyundai Kona | 50.000000 | Station_108 | Los Angeles | 1/1/2024 4:00 | 1/1/2024 5:46 | 19.629104 | 2.019765 | 10.215712 | 10.161471 | Morning | Saturday | 54.258950 | 63.743786 | 203.661847 | -7.834199 | 1.0 | Level 1 | Long-Distance Traveler |
EV Charging Trends and Predictions
INFO 511 - Fall 2024 - Final Project
This project explores trends in electric vehicle (EV) charging efficiency and builds predictive models to understand charging behaviors.
Team ChilePeppers INFO511 Term Project
Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Dataset Assessment
Introduction and Data
The ChilePeppers team completed an assessment of the electric vehicle (EV) charging dataset for the INFO511 term project. The dataset was selected out of an interest to explore the evolving EV technical space and build a predictive model for charging efficiency improvements. The dataset consisted of 1320 rows and 20 columns, see Tables 1 and 2. The dataset provided charging history and profile for five electric vehicles; BMW i3, Hyundai Kona, Chevy Bolt, Nissan Leaf, and the Tesla Model 3, see Table 1. Each row in the dataset is a vehicle type with a record of a charge including location, energy consumed, charge duration, charging cost, temperature, vehicle age, charger type, and user type, see Table 2.
Table 1 - Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Dataset: Column Headings
Table 2 - EV Charging Dataset: Column Data Types
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1320 entries, 0 to 1319
Data columns (total 20 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 User ID 1320 non-null object
1 Vehicle Model 1320 non-null object
2 Battery Capacity (kWh) 1320 non-null float64
3 Charging Station ID 1320 non-null object
4 Charging Station Location 1320 non-null object
5 Charging Start Time 1320 non-null object
6 Charging End Time 1320 non-null object
7 Energy Consumed (kWh) 1254 non-null float64
8 Charging Duration (hours) 1320 non-null float64
9 Charging Rate (kW) 1254 non-null float64
10 Charging Cost (USD) 1320 non-null float64
11 Time of Day 1320 non-null object
12 Day of Week 1320 non-null object
13 State of Charge (Start %) 1320 non-null float64
14 State of Charge (End %) 1320 non-null float64
15 Distance Driven (since last charge) (km) 1254 non-null float64
16 Temperature (°C) 1320 non-null float64
17 Vehicle Age (years) 1320 non-null float64
18 Charger Type 1320 non-null object
19 User Type 1320 non-null object
dtypes: float64(10), object(10)
memory usage: 206.4+ KB
Battery Capacity (kWh) Energy Consumed (kWh) Charging Duration (hours) Charging Rate (kW) Charging Cost (USD) State of Charge (Start %) State of Charge (End %) Distance Driven (since last charge) (km) Temperature (°C) Vehicle Age (years)
count 1320.00 1254.00 1320.00 1254.00 1320.00 1320.00 1320.00 1254.00 1320.00 1320.00
mean 74.53 42.64 2.27 25.96 22.55 49.13 75.14 153.60 15.26 3.61
std 20.63 22.41 1.06 14.01 10.75 24.07 17.08 86.00 14.83 2.31
min 1.53 0.05 0.10 1.47 0.23 2.33 7.60 0.86 -10.72 0.00
25% 62.00 23.88 1.40 13.86 13.37 27.79 62.05 79.45 2.80 2.00
50% 75.00 42.69 2.26 25.60 22.08 48.24 75.68 152.26 14.63 4.00
75% 85.00 61.21 3.11 37.50 31.65 69.28 88.20 226.07 27.98 6.00
max 193.00 152.24 7.64 97.34 69.41 152.49 177.71 398.36 73.17 11.69
The methodology employed to access the ev charging dataset comprised three steps. First, a graphical review of the dataset was completed, see Figure 1 to 10. Second, a statistical analysis of the data was completed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) to complete hypothesis testing to help understanding any relationships between the factors studied, see Figure 11 to 14. Third, regression analysis was completed to build a predictive model of charging cost (USD) as a function of the factors studied and reported within the dataset, see Tables 1 to 6. In an effort to improve the predictive capabilities of the model support vector regression (SVR) was attempted on the dataset, see Tables 7, 8, and 9.
Graphical Review of the Data
Various types of plots were used to graphically review the dataset including boxplots, scatterplots, and correlations plots. To understand the difference or similarities between vehicle models a boxplot of vehicle model vs. battery capacity was created, see Figure 1. The plot indicates all car models appear to have similar battery capacity, see Figure 1. Charge duration as a function of location was also plotted, see Figure 2. Graphically there does not appear to be a significant difference in charge duration across locations, see Figure 2.
Scatterplots were used to understand the relationship between various factors and charging rate, see Figures 3 and 4 Charging rate vs. charging cost was plotted on a scatterplot with hue defining the time of day, see Figure 3. Charging rate vs charging cost was plotted with hue defining charging station location, see Figures 3 and 4 respectively. Neither plot displays any visually apparent relationships between the variables studied.
Histograms were leveraged to help display the distribution of the variables (i) battery capacity, (ii) energy consumed, and (iii) charging rate, see Figures 5, 6, and 7. Battery capacity appears to be three specific categories, 59, 75, and 100 kWh, see Figure 5. Energy consumed (kWh) during charging may be normally distributed with a mean of 40 kWh and a standard deviation of 13 (80/6 = 30 (spread / 6 std. dev.)) with several outliers greater than 80 kWh, see Figure 6. Charging rate may also be normally distributed with a mean of 30 kW and standard deviation of 10 kW (approximately) with several outliers greater than 60 kW, see Figure 7.
A boxplot was used to help understand the relationship between charging cost and time of charge and charger type, see Figure 8. Graphically is appears that charging cost is not influence by time of day or charger type as there appears to be a high variance within each subgroup vs. between subgroups, see Figure 8.
A scatterplot of charging temperature, the outside temperature during charge, and its effect on charging rate is provided in Figure 9. Here hue was defined as the age of the vehicle in years, see Figure 9. The scatterplot, like the previous scatterplots visually did not clearly display a relationship between the variables studied, see Figure 9.
A seaborn pairwise plot is presented in Figure 10. The pairwise plot provides a graphical summary of the entire dataset for ease of attempting to visually determine if there is a relationship or correlation between factors studied. Within the pairwise plot the hue was defined as the vehicle type, see Figure 10. Visually the pairwise plot did not identify any obvious correlations within the dataset, see Figure 10.
Figure 10 - Seaborn Pair Plot for EV Charging Dataset Variables
<Figure size 576x384 with 0 Axes>
Seaborn Pair Plot for EV Charging Dataset Variables